Mobile II

Our Toyota Hilux Rescue Jeep has the call sign MOBILE II. Mobile II responds to all Emergency Calls and deploys directly to the scene of an incident.
Mobile II is crewed by Swift Water Rescue Technicians, who are also highly trained in First Aid. In the event of an Emergency, Mobile II is usually on scene within minutes of the pagers being activated, if need be its crew can be kitted up and in the water with a casualty in a matter of seconds after arriving at the incident location. At the same time our inshore rescue boat will have been launched from the boathouse and will pick up both casualty and the swift water rescue swimmers. If the incident is ongoing Mobile II then takes over as the radio command unit and maintains contact with the boat, boathouse, team members and any other emergency services on scene.
Mobile II is also used for closing acess to roads in dangerous flooding situations.
Mobile II carries a range of specialist equipment such as:
Resuscitation Equipment and Oxygen
Spinal Immobilization Equipment
Heart Defibrillators
First Aid Equipment
Specialised Rope Rescue Equipment
Person Protection Equipment (for rescue swimmers)