Members of the Boyne Fishermen's Rescue and Recovery Service would like to extend their deepest sympathy to rescue member Andrew Casey and his family on the late passing of his Dad Jim Casey.

Jim was a great man ,he was a strong follower,supporter of the service and not just that he was part of service behind the scenes for the last 15 years.

Jim spent many hours,days and nights in the boathouse / at home and alongside Andrew repairing equipment that was broken ,with Andrews attitude if dad can't fix it , it can't be fixed.

We are proud to say anything he helped with was always fixed with two great mechanical men at the tools ready to help.

Jim also gave a hand with fundraising within the rescue as he got to see first hand with Andrew the impact the service has on the community and how vital fundraising is.

We only feel right that we will give a guard of honor in aid of Jim for all he has done for the rescue,and we will continue to support Andrew and his family during these hard times.

R.I.P Jim Casey