Ronan Caffrey R.I.P
In shock ,unbelievable and sadness we are writing this post that words can truly not express what we have to say.
A piece of the Boyne Fishermen's Rescue and Recovery Service has been lost forever as we woke on Friday morning to the news.
A friend ,a collegue ,a trustee and most importantly he was on side to help us succeed in what we are today.
In great sadness the passing of Ronan Caffrey.
Ronan played a vital part in the successful progression of the Boyne Fishermen's Rescue.
When we looked to get our first independent emergency paging system ,Ronan was the man to help us.
Ronan secured, ran and maintained our first independent emergency paging system.
Done from his home address which he ran a local taxi company from.This was 24/7 365 days a year with Ronan taking the calls for help on many occasions.
Ronans family & staff who ran the business would set the pagers off for incidents ,with him often turning up to the calls to assist then having a cuppa and chat into the early hours.
When we went to build our boathouse,Ronan was on hand and put in many hours alongside our volunteers building and securing materials for our boathouse
When it came to Fundraising / Events Ronan constantly supported us as he knew the work conducted.
A guard of honor will assemble and escort Ronan on his last journey tomorrow to the church as members pay their respects.
We would like to thank Ronan and his family for the years of support and work done to assist us in what we are today.
Today at 11.05 am as some crew visited Ronan in his home as final memory's where exchanged a familiar sound sounded through the house our emergency pagers been activated to a incident which was occuring on the river Boyne.
He would have been straight on afterwards to see what the commotion was all about

Go raibh maith agat as do thacaíocht agus scíth éasca.
Boyne Fishermen’s Rescue and Recovery Service
Marsh Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth A92 P863
Telephone: 041 980 4876
Mobile: 086 844 0993